Thursday, September 19, 2013

Current Connection 1.1

In abc news' "Tesla Motors Announces Plan For Automated Driving", Jon M Chang informs the reader that automated driving is the next step towards fully autonomous driving but not all will accept this new technology.

Fully autonomous driving may be far off, but technology is bringing us there still.According to the article, "While it's difficult to get 100 percent of a car's controls automated, Iagnemma said that splitting it between the driver and the car's computer is not an insignificant bump in the  road. We are able to do this much sooner than autonomous driving. This technology, semi-autonomous driving, will help up move forward toward autonomous driving.

With this new technology, some people are likely to disapprove of this. As written in the article, "Surveys show that while many people are open to the idea of an autonomous vehicle driving them to work, far fewer are willing to let one drive their child to soccer practice." People may find this new technology good, some will still fear the change. By entrusting their child,future of mankind, in this new tech that has yet to prove itself, they risk endangering lives.

Semi-autonomous vehicles may be coming soon, but will we accept the change? as written in the article, "Even if the Tesla has a road-ready product in three years, it's not guaranteed that the public will welcome it with open arms" we, the people, have what is considered almost revolutionary. But with that change can bring both good and bad, so some people will be reluctant to accept this. Not all of us may open arms to accept this change.

Semi-autonomous vehicles is the future I say. Having computers take a load off of a human driver can be good. Especially if the computer can do the task safer than a human. Some people are bad drivers and i have witnessed them and do wish that this technology can help change driving.